Shuffle with: Frank Turner (english version)




What’s on Frank’s Ipod? We let him shuffle and explain why he loves this first five songs of the playlist.

1. Motel Blues – Loudon Wainwright III

I adore Loudon, and this is probably my favourite song of his – nice work iPod. I’ve covered this song live many times. It’s perfect, simple, stark, funny, sad, honest. I draw a lot of inspiration from Loudon and songs like this. It was recorded in 1972 and it’s better than most things that have come since.

2. Tell Me Why – Neil Young

Neil Young was one of my gateway artists into acoustic-based music, and his acoustic guitar-playing style is a big influence on the way that I play. I learned this song a long while back. I love the way it skips and picks a melody through basic chords. The lyrics are great as well, and the vocal harmonies on the chorus are perfect, classic Young.

3. Hung Over As The Queen In Maida Vale – Godspeed You Black Emperor

I had a major obsession with this band for a few years – saw every London show they ever played (until they reunited recently). They have a grandiose, shuddering majesty which still stands head and shoulders above all the post-rock bands that have followed them and ripped them off. They make me think of buildings collapsing in on themselves.

4. Two Haded Handshake – The Hold Steady

I love the Hold Steady, and this song in particular – it’s a B-side, but one of my favourites. Craig Finn is one of the finest lyricists that’s ever lived, as far as I’m concerned, and the finale of this song makes my heart burst. The horn part is excellent as well, a rare thing in a rock song, in my opinion.

5. Shadow People – Doctor Dog

This band isn’t so well known in Europe but they have a big cult following in the USA which I stumbled across a few years ago. They’re beautiful, classic, they sound timeless, like a lost band from the 1970s or something. The basslines are always amazing as well, it’s almost like it’s a lead instrument.

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