Yuksel, how did it happen that you managed it to reunite Fatal Smile
after the split? What was the main reason for the split after two good cds?
Well, actually it wasn´t that hard at all since everything turned out in a
very natural way, step by step…The main thing for the split was that they
didn´t wanted to go on 100% with the band cause all of them have families
I wanted to take things to the next level so I simply decided to find new
bandmates that wanted the same thing as me:
World Domination 😉
And I´m really exited with the new line-up & cause it´s a real killer!
Everything feels really great & they´re great bunch of guys & great
musicians & it will be an outstanding live show, that´s for sure!
World Domination is like a rollercoasterride through Metal-History. What
was your main influence as a guitarist and how when did you start playing?
Yeah, I think that WD is a great mix with all the influences that I grew up
I started to play guitar when I was 14 and saw a Whitesnake video on TV with
Johns Sykes on guitar & since then no one could stop me from playing;-) I
was really in to guitar players like Sykes, George Lynch, Warren De Martini,
Jake E Lee, Yngwie Malmsteen etc…Great players with attitude & style….
With Michael Wagner there is a real metal-legend on board the World
Domination-Ship. Was it hard to get him? And is it difficult to
work with such a big number in the business?
Actually it wasn´t that hard at all…I sent him some demo stuff of the
songs for the album & since he´s been working with almost all of the great
bands that I grew up with I guess he could hear that in the songs & after
that it wasn´t that hard to have him to handle the mixing duties on the
album. Michael is such a great person & it was a pure pleasure to work with
him with all his knowledge & we spent almost 1 month in his studio in
Nashville mixing the album…
And the result is totally awesome, that´s my opinion;-)
What will the future bring? Can we see Fatal Smile on any festivals this
summer, will you play germany?
We´ll be kickin off the "World Domination Tour" in Dallas, USA on Feb the
8th with 26 shows together with W.A.S.P. and then we´ll have 10 days off to
rest our souls for the next 22 US shows with DORO. We do really look forward
to this…And once we´ve done the US tour it will be time to dominate
europe, we hope that we´ll be able to play some festivals ang also come to
Germany since we haven´t played there…yet….But we will!!!
Out trademark question at last: If you would be a
character of the Simpsons, who would you be and why?
Hahaha…That´s a good one! I would absolutely be Homer Simpson, that´s for
sure! He´s the one that has no worries as long as he can have some beer´s
with his buddies & why should life be more complicated than that?? 😉
Take care & see you out there soon!

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